Sunday 8 June 2008

The Waiting Game.......

I'm still waiting to find out what is happening for me medically. The admission for a needle biopsy and CT scan did not happen as originally advised by the Princess Alexandra Hospital doctors. I was told it would probably happen last Tuesday week. The doctors were planning to check out my neck at the same time..... a "one stop shop" as the specialist called it. I did receive a letter advising that I had been placed on an ENT waiting list at Logan Hospital of all places, miles outside of my locality, and will be advised in due course. I did attempt to contact my consultant/surgeon's registrar and left a message with his pager service, last week, but have yet to receive a reply.

If no further news by Tuesday I'll see my GP.

The only event of note to happen in the last 2 weeks has been a PET Scan which took place on Friday. Hopefully that will shed light on my situation.

I'm a bit sore at the moment as one can imagine. Having a large mass in one's backside is not good. I still think there is an element of infection involved, even if there is a sarcoma growing. Adjacent areas have been affected by disease for years as posted previously, and much of the pain and flare-ups sure feel like infection. It sometimes reaches level 7 pain, but then can just as easily disappear altogether leaving mild discomfort. The area of hard tissue continues to grow.... not good :(

I am otherwise ok and am in good spirits and moral. I am having however to rely on superannuation, financially, which is finite unfortunately.... a bit of a worry. I was hoping to return to work in April/May. However with pain, discomfort, possible future treatment and surgery, it's difficult to offer my services to any employer at present.

I'm still working away on my hobbies (though pain is hindering me) and hope to release my Sopwith Snipe aircraft for FSX before any treatment/surgery occurs. I'm not all that optimistic, that I'll make it though, as there is still much work to do.

Life is good and I'm glad to be here.



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